HOMEWORK – Week 2 for the week plus LSFCWC

Dear Parents

A detailed account of what is expected for HW this week and the weeks ahead. I will endeavour to get study ladder organised within the week. I place emphasis on learning tables and this can be a fun thing to do. There are plenty of fun resources on line with games and songs.


Tables – 8x’s  5 mins daily –  sheet to complete – will give time in class, memorise, say aloud, studyladder, youtubes, games can help – Test this Friday with Mrs Sambell

Phonics Spelling group, spelling test on Tues on the br words – suggest that you do a quick revision tonight.

Matrix Spelling  – A Matrix list of words should be completed every 2.5 weeks – 4 Matrix sheets a term or more is the aim. Testing can be done at home and some additional work done at home to achieve the goal of 4  matrix sheets a term . To help streamline their work with this they can now do LSFCWC. See sheet below.

Mental –  A sheet will be given out each week.  Ten minutes will be given in class daily  for each section (Set 1 Mon, Set 2 Tues, Set 3 Wed, Set 4 Thurs) If not finished in class finish for HW. No more than 10-15 minutes.

Reading – A revised Reading Record Sheet has been given out for Terms 2,3 and 4. This is stuck at the back of their Reading Book which needs to be returned to school the following weekday. Students need to notify an adult of their reading intentions at home and adults can ask questions about the book to see if it has been read properly. If an adult feels that the information has been filled in correctly and have noted reasonable evidence of reading being done properly they can then sign the Adult Sign Box.

Reading to be done most nights (10 mins or more). Completed or Partially Completed books (30 pages plus) need to be recorded on the chart and to be verified by an Adult with a signature if they feel this has been done properly.

Here is the LSFCWC laminated card given to each student to help with their learning of words in spelling. It is very specific in its instructions of looking carefully at the words in particular sounding it out or using syllables and to look for any special features .


Des Norman and Robyn Sambell


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